Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I am at a loss for words

I am at a loss for words, because I don't know what the hell happened in this book. I read Julian Barnes's Booker-winning novel, The Sense of an Ending, a few weeks ago, and I couldn't make heads or tails of it.

What was the sense of it all? What on earth was that ending? Arghhhh! It's so frustrating when this happens. (Thankfully, it doesn't happen that often.)

Maybe, just maybe, there are some readers out there (like poor me) who didn't get this novel at all. And perhaps, just perhaps, I'll understand this better after rereading it.

The Sense of an Ending, I'll see you again soon. And hopefully, I'd be able to make sense of you, not just the ending.


Monique said...

I know exactly the feeling. The same thing happened to me with the most recent book I read (of which I think you're aware). After reading it, I felt like pleading with it to please.make.sense. :(

Peter S. said...

LOL! But true!

Anonymous said...

Same reaction to most of my friend's reviews. The ending doesn't have any sense at all. Sense of ending is an irony.

Peter S. said...

Hahaha. Yes, sweetreads. I think this book would make a pretty good title to discuss in a book club.

Jack Tyler said...

This happens more often in movies. The classic example has to be Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds." Maybe Mr. Barnes was playing to the critics, who so often review books like this one favorably in order to show how much smarter they are than everyone else ("I get it. What's wrong with you?). Or maybe he was having a little fun at your expense, and the title is meant as a warning...

Visual Velocity said...

It's a good thing you even managed to finish the book. I've had several books before that I ditched without finishing because they bored me to tears, hehe

ArtSeblis said...

Maybe the book was too clever for its own good. :D

Peter S. said...

Hello, Jack! I've never seen that movie. Have you read the short story it's based from? So creepy!

Hi, Visual Velocity! Oh,it's a very thin book! It's like a novella.

Hello, artseblis! Could be.

Tina said...

Peter....I can see where you might be frustrated, but please do give is a chance again. It's a very subtle book, but one I think is very very deep. I read and reviewed it last year...maybe my review here will push you to give it another go.

All that said, the most wonderful thing about books is that there is something for everybody, and nothing suits everyone. Enjoy whatever you're reading.

Peter S. said...

Hello, Tina! Oh, thanks! I'll check out your review.