Friday, September 11, 2009

A night spent talking about books

Last Wednesday night, I received an invite through Blooey, a fellow blogger, to have dinner with the people from Scholastic. Since my evenings are usually free, I RSVPd for the dinner meeting with the YA book publishers and my fellow bloggers.

The two ladies from Scholastic, Ms. Joyce and Ms. Roselle, were very gracious hosts. They kept the meeting casual and friendly, telling us that they just want to meet groups of people who were into books. Fortunately, the group that night was composed of Honey, Mitch, Marie, and Blooey -- all true blue bibliophiles who blog about their reading adventures.

The group had a very spirited discussion about our books, reading, blogging, and book clubs that, before we know it, almost 3 hours have gone by! Each of us also received a copy of The Hunger Games, which I read early this year and absolutely loved. I'm guessing that my fellow bloggers wouldn't be able to put the book down. It's a very riveting read.

Of course, even though we said good-bye to the Scholastic ladies, we still ended up having coffee until late in the evening. I enjoyed listening to Mitch talk about her liking for urban fantasy novels, hearing Honey's take on why we love horror novels and movies, looking at Blooey's latest book loot, and talking to Marie about my literary pet peeve of the moment -- Jane Austen.

All in all, it was a night well-spent.


fantaghiro23 said...

Back at you, Peter.:)

Peter S. said...

Hello, Honey! I hope you're enjoying The Hunger Games.

Anonymous said...

Cool, Peter. There's a lot of YA out there that's a whole lot better than the adult market. The Book Thief has become one of my all-time favorites.

Peter S. said...

Hey, Charlie! I have yet to read that one. I do have a copy though.

gege said...

i am so enveee-ious. but it was my mom's 70th birthday, so it was still a night well spent. i just hope there's a next time.

Peter S. said...

Hi, Gege! I was really hoping to meet you that night! Anyway, Belated Happy Birthday to your mom!

Melissa (My words and pages) said...

This sounds like you had a great time. It would be great to get together with others over coffee and chat for hours of book things.

I have Hunger Games at home right now. It is actually next on the list to read this month. I have heard nothing but outstanding reviews of this book. I am just hoping that with all the hype I don't get my hopes to high and feel let down. Though, from what I hear the book stands up to that hype.

Peter S. said...

Hello, Melissa! I'm sure you'll enjoy The Hunger Games. It's very very very good!

Linda said...

Talks about books are the best talks! Thanks for a great blog!

sTEDdy said...

Wow! Missed that one...

Peter S. said...

@Linda: Thanks for dropping by!

@sTEDdy: Hope to meet you one of these days.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful night with friends who love books, Peter. This is one luxury I can't have. My friends are hardly into books. You're lucky to have found each other.:)

sumthinblue said...

Had fun that night too! Am settling down to read The Hunger Games tonight :)

Peter S. said...

Hi, Jo! We can't wait to meet you when you're in Manila!

Hello, Blooey! I can't wait to read your review.

Patrick said...

I was so looking forward to meeting some fellow book bloggers but had to cancel last minute. :(
I'm glad to hear you guys had fun though. The Hunger Games has been at the top of my wishlist for months now and I still haven't read it yet. Oh my...

Unknown said...

Hello, Patrick! We'll see you soon!

Rise said...

Too bad I missed this too. I just arrived from the province on that day. And had to fly to Dumaguete the next day.