Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy 4th!

This blog celebrates its 4th anniversary tomorrow! Has it been really 1,461 days and 530 posts since I started KyusiReader? It doesn't feel like it. Honestly, it feels longer. I think of my reading life now as being divided into two main time periods: before and after the blog.

There are days though when I feel that I should just stop blogging and just read and read and read. It's nice to go offline every now and then, no? Then there are times when I just have to share my thoughts about what I'm reading, and that's when I make the posts.

I can still recall the circumstances of why I started blogging. I was bored to death. And since Blogger was a free service, I thought, why the heck not? I never thought for a second that other people would be interested to read about my boring musings about books and reading.

So happy anniversary to you, my beloved online repository of my random book-ish thoughts. And thank you, dear reader, for the wonderful 4 years. It's been one great blogging experience after another.


Gem said...

Happy 4th to your blog, Peter! :)

Peter S. said...

Thanks, Gem!

Harvee44 said...

Congrats, and many more years...

Louize DG said...

Happy 4th blogsary!

Peter S. said...

Thanks, Louize and Book Dilettante!

Kaz said...

I'm just coming up to my first blogging I bow to your seniority! And thank you for your posts, your presence on my blog, and for much enjoyable conversation!

Peter S. said...

Thanks, Kaz!

Monique said...

Happy birthday, Kyusireader! :D

Peter S. said...

Thanks, Monique!

Astrid (Mrs.B) said...

Happy Anniversary! I'll be celebrating my 4th this year too but having a long blogging slump right now. Hope I get back into it soon.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, KyusiReader. I also thought of stopping my blog, but I don't think I can entirely give it up due to habit(book blog is two years old but I have other dead blogs way back in 2005). We're looking forward to more of your posts. :)

Lynai said...

Happy 4th bloggy birthday, Kyusireader! Cheers to more books and bookish posts! :)

Peter S. said...

Thanks, Mrs B, Lynai, and Angus!

bennardfajardo said...

Congrats KyusiReader! More years for your very interesting blog!

Peter S. said...

Thanks, Bennard!

Tina said...

Happy 4th birthday to your blog, Peter! :) More books and posts and bookshelves to come! :)

bookie said...

Happy anniversary, Peter! I will always be grateful for your recommendations!

Peter S. said...

Thanks, bookie!

Ryan said...

Happy Belated Bloggoversary!

Peter S. said...

Thanks, Ryan!