Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Bookshelf Project #26

And we have an update from Ruth, one of the people who sent their pictures of bookshelves earlier. If you haven't seen her fabulous shelf before, check it here.

Ruth's bookshelves are just awesome. Don't you just love it that the shelves are made of wood? Here's a shelf with all her sewing books. (I am loving the Russian accent at the top of the shelf.

Ruth's bookshelf with her reference books. You can see that Ruth's a bit of a film buff, with a few of her books on film trivia. And that candle holder! What a great piece!

Here's her shelf with all her books on sewing.

And my favorite of them all -- the bookshelf with all her fantasy books and graphic novels. We can see that she does love her Terry Pratchett novels. Ruth, we have something in common -- we both love Star Wars!

So what do you think of Ruth's bookshelves, dear reader?


Portobello's coffee said...

Love her shelves. I also like that russian castle.

But she shouldn't put her books close to an electrical outlet. I'm just saying..

Peter S. said...

Oh my. I didn't notice that. Thanks for pointing that out, Portobello's coffee.

serendipity_viv said...

I love the first one with the castle on the top. It is beautiful.

Ruth O'Leary said...

Regarding the electrical socket, I've asked someone about this, and as I'm in the UK where sockets need to be earthed, it's not a problem. In countries (such as America, I gather) with two-pin plugs and no earth, it could be a problem as sparks are common, but our system means that doesn't happen. Phew! My books (and house) are safe!

Evanescence said...
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Evanescence said...

I had that Alice in Sunderland book, it was interesting to find out about aspects of the history of Sunderland.

I've noticed that the Terry Pratchett books in general, tend to fade easily. I seen plenty of faded ones in Charity shops.

Anonymous said...

Nice shelves, Ruth. In the first photo, however, I just know I would kick or fall over your five-tiered pot everytime I passed it.

And in the second photo, I wonder why some titles are facing backward.

Nevertheless, all those shelves must give your home a warm, cozy feeling.

Peter S. said...

@Evanescence: It's probably all those reds in the covers. They're the most volatile colors so they fade out faster than the rest.

@Charlie: That's exactly how I felt when I first saw these -- that warm, cozy feeling!

Evanescence said...

Oh right, thanks Peter! I always wonder why some books fade more than others.

I get frustrated at how restricted I am from where I can put my books. But I should be grateful that my shelves at least don't face the sun, so there's little chance of them being bleached by it.